Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Today is...

ummm. too hectic. But at least i got a chance to spend my lunch break talking to my friends AW and DG. I love those girls. They are two of the 3 girls I go to church with and I must say, they are my best friends!! They are the reason I'm even doing "THE RULES". They both have dates for valentine's day. Me...well I don't know yet. SS already called and asked what I was doing for valentines day. So at least I have him as a backup plan. I mean, I don't mean to make it sound like that... What I am really hoping is that AM takes me out. But he hasn't said anything yet. Okay, when I was there Saturday he said, " ummm, valentine's day is coming up" and I said, "oh, oh yeah" and that was the end of the convo. A couple of weeks ago he asked me what I wanted for valentine's day and I told him to surprise me. Could that be what he's doing? I don't know. I'd be kinda dissapointed if we don't do anything together, but at the same time, I didn't make a big deal about it, so what if he doesn't do anything for it? Hmmmmm. Well, we shall see...

Anyway, my girls and I talked for my entire lunch break, so now I'm hungry. But I am swamped with work. So I will holla later..

*Dubie Dubie*

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