Friday, December 03, 2004

Why ya'll Why?

I figured I'd have time today to finish up my last post...but unfortunately I don't.

I really just came on to say that... I am SUPER MAD because my crazy neighbor (read here) started back beating the doggone pole again. And now I'm snifflin and sneezing cuz I had to turn on the fan to create suitible nocturnal noise to overpower his pole beating so that I could fall asleep. He SUCKS! I wish he'd mooooooooooooove. Go awaaaaaaaaaay! Ugh! I found out he beats the pole with a a hammer. He beats a metal pole with a hammer! At 11 at night. I woke up around 2:15 this morning because this guy named Kareem decided he wanted to call me on his way home from Visions because I was "on his mind"... (a whole nother story. lol) ... and the crazy neighbor man was STILL at it. How long can you beat a doggone pole? Okay, he started at 11 and was still going strong at 2:15ish in the morning. Do ya'll know how cold it was outside? Do ya? I'm surprised he doesn't have pneumonia or somethin. His arms should be as big as Stone Cold's or Goldberg's the way he goes at it. *sigh* I'm not sleeping at home tonight... I can't take it. I might have to call the po-po's on him if he keeps it up.

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Look at me being all intentional and stuff! lol I WILLED myself to remember and write in this blog before the year was out.  So proud that t...