Friday, December 31, 2004

It's that time...

Well, in a couple of hours... it goes down!! i just finished my hair, which i must say looks AMAZINGLY wonderful lol...and i'm parading around in a black lacy tank and my black slip so that i won't get too hot or wrinkle my clothes before i have to go to church. Yes...tonight I'll be at church.

There was only one time in my entire life that I decided to celebrate the New Year without going to Church and call me superstitious or whatever...but that was one of the WORST years for me. lol. I decided right then and there that each New Year that God allows me to see will be ushered in by me being down on my knees and thanking Him for is grace and mercy. Now after service... well...ya girl is gonna be out and about.

I have three functions to attend after church and I have the slightest idea how they are all gonna get done. My church friends are having a breakfast downtown at one of my homeboys house immediately after church. I gotta swing by there because I am responsible for cooking some of the breakfast... lol. So i figure i'll go there first...then head to my best friend Biah's house. I've written about some of her parties. Though I've never went into detail about just how much fun they are... trust me... I.MUST.GO!! They are gonna do it real big and though I prolly won't get there until 2am.... I still gotta make an appearance. lol. I'm sure everyone will be "oh so gone" by then so it should make for an interesting party. After that, I gotta head on over to my cousin's party. He's throwing some big shabang all night if i get there at about 4 in tha mo'nin... i doubt if anyone will look at me odd. *tired already from what's to come* Soooo i figure i'd just take it easy for these next two hours and get ready for a night/morning of fun.

As I was resting... i began thinking about this year and all it has entailed. The people I've met as well as the people I've had to say goodbye to. My job, my own self and how i've changed. Let me just take a moment to reflect....

What I'm leaving behind in 2004....

AM Ironically, he was the first person I saw, hugged, kissed, touched, etc. in the year 2004...he's no longer apart of my life in anyway in 2005. In a way, I'm sad to leave him back in '04...but I must press towards greater things.

Self-doubt I've realized that I don't give myself enough credit for things. I've noticed that I don't try things that I think are extremely hard for fear of failing. But I've also noticed that the things that I do try my hardest in, I succeed. Therefore I plan to leave those negative thoughts about what I can and cant do in 2004 and develop more confidence in my abilities and the abilities of the Greater One within me.

A broken heart Though I never discussed it much here... I've had my heart broken a few times this year. Thankfully it wasn't shattered into a million pieces and thankfully God mended it with the Super Glue we call Love and Compassion. So many questions I had about my life and relationships were answered this year. Unfortunately it left me very broken. But believe me when I say that God will fill in every void in your life...He will mend ever broken part of your soul and He will make you whole if you let Him.

People who have entered my life in 2004...

Barry- thanks for always having an encouraging word for me. I pray that next year you'll find all that you were looking for in this year. I love you.

Dia- Guuuuuuuuuurl. You are a TRIP! I'm so glad I met you. I only have a few really close girlfriends and I am so glad to consider you one. I love you.

Bunns- you're one of the best people i know. you came to me at a time when i needed someone to "get me". i needed someone to be silly with and just let down my hair with. thank you for making me feel so good everytime we're together or when we talk or when we write to each other. I pray that you're in my life forever, but if not... I will always be grateful for what we have at this moment in my life. I love you.

"Crush" (KD) - i'm not sure what God's purpose was for our meeting, but I'm glad we met. I'm not sure where we're going, but i'm glad we're here. I don't know if you'll be here next year, but i'm glad you were here this year. I hope that we become better friends and this thing that seems to hold us back from going further...well i pray that God helps us to over come that. I love your life energy and your smile just does it for me. I love you.

And to all of my blog friends whom i've either met in person or just chatted with online... I love you all too and may you have a BLESSED New Year!!!!

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Look at me being all intentional and stuff! lol I WILLED myself to remember and write in this blog before the year was out.  So proud that t...