Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Yeah Yeeaayeeee

“Just waking up in the morning gotta thank GodI don't know but today seems kinda oddNo barking from the dogs, no smog, And momma cooked a breakfast with no hog…”

~Ice Cube

So it’s Wednesday and I am soooo amped! Friday is payday, the weather is oh so nice, and everything is going pretty well in the land of Sway. It seems like everything is flowing my way. Ive been on a high for a month now. It’s the best. It’s like Erryweek is great. I’m loving it.
Aight… I know I’ve been slacking with the posting and all. I just haven’t had anything to write about. Still don’t really. Every since I pretty much let all my fun friends go… My life has been….simple. Work, Church, Gym, Home. That’s it. lol But err uh… I know it’s about to be on since spring is ‘round tha corner…and you KNOW your girl can’t resist being out and about when it’s nice out.


Mane….how come my office smell like corn chips and feet? I mean I came in here one morning and the odor just hit me smack in the face. I’m all scrunching up my nose… trying to find the smell. Going around to people’s desk making sure they got their shoes on. So I get out my Lysol and start spraying everywhere. Especially around those offices where funk just seemed to hang out. They were looking at me crazy…but I KNOW I can’t be the only one smelling it. And they BETTER be glad I didn’t spray them. *smh* Some of these people REALLY need to think about letting that soap hit them a little longer. *taking in a deep whiff of air* Ahh… much better.

Other than that minor mal-odor, I’m striz-ate. *sorry, I spent a little too much time last night with my cousin and his snoop CD lol*

I’ll probably come back later this week to talk about my upcoming conference that I am EXCITED to be apart of. :)


Aight… I love church. Everyone that knows me…know that. BUT… I’m wondering… how many services is TOO many. Right now, Church has my schedule on LOCK! I’m talking about…it’s a full time job AND my new boyfriend. I’m there for 7:30 service, Sunday school, 10:30 and 4pm services on Sunday. I’m there for 6pm intercessory prayer and 7pm Bible Study on Wednesdays…and I’m there for 7:30 service on Friday. NOT to mention my Thursday and Saturday choir rehearsals. *sigh* I’m Tiiide! *yawning* And I have until the end of may before that schedule changes. lol


Well thanks to God…and a new heavy duty sports bra… I haven’t had any more “incidents” like I did a few months back. *whew* My toppers have been politely staying in their place…even while doing jumping jacks. I’m quite proud. Lol Yesterday afternoon, I even went running. ME! SWAY! Went R.U.N.N.I.N.G. !!! Can you believe it? (I know, me neither) It has got to be the weather. I went to the track behind the closest school to my house… put on my shorts and emory visor and started trucking along. I was DOG tired after about 2 laps. lol. So much for my “I’m in shape” theory. Lol I still continued. I had to at least do my mile. But lord knows it took all I had. Lol. Guess I should run more. lol It felt pretty good. In fact, after running, I did ‘bout 100 jumping jacks for good measure. Ahhh I love spring. *looking googly eyed*


Home life is…. Always interesting. I’m usually not there much except to eat, shower, and sleep. However, lately I’ve managed to stay at the house a little more. With gas being ridiculously high…and my friend list dwindling down to about 4 people… lol …I’ve been spending much more of my free time…. At the house. So these are some things I’ve realized since I’ve been there.

- Bill collectors call ENTIRELY too much. Neegro…if I didn’t answer at 7…I won’t answer at 7:05 or 7:15.

- I have WAYYY to many types of hair products. Lol For somebody that claims to hate hair and everything associated with it… I sure do have a lot of products. I mean… I got it all. The beauty supply store IS my bathroom. I got stuff for permed hair, texturized hair, colored hair… and I don’t have any of that. lol. *smh* I got wigs, weaves, ponytails and hair caps…and don’t wear any of it. *smh* I got stuff to make my hair curly…got stuff to make my hair straight… and I STILL can’t seem to figure out to do with this ish. Look at it.. just look!!!


- Nothing good comes on tv any more.
- Jumping on the bed at 24 is NOT as fun as it was at 4. :( (what? Nobody told me.)
- Boredom WILL cause you to dial a number of a person you really DON’T wanna talk to.
- Though there may be a house full of food, there’s never anything there that I wanna eat. Lol
- Dancing in the mirror while blasting some music is still fun.
- I really miss living alone.
- Termites are the spawn of satan. (right next to menstrual cramps and ppl who keep their blinkers on too long)
- I really do hate clothes.
- I won’t get in the bed on time even if I have absolutely nothing stopping me.

Okay…think I’m done now. I got another meeting to attend. So I’ll be back around to talk about nothing later. Gone.

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Look at me being all intentional and stuff! lol I WILLED myself to remember and write in this blog before the year was out.  So proud that t...