Monday, August 22, 2005

God's Time...

1 hour. The amount of time it took during our first conversation for us to realize that we were gonna spend the rest of our lives together.

2 seconds. The maximum amount of time that can pass before we invade each other’s personal space with a hug/a kiss/touch.

3 years. The amount of time it took us to get prepared for each other. ( the ending of his marriage and my engagement and consequently the last serious relationship either of us had was three years ago)

4 minutes. The amount of time that can pass by before we’re missing each other again.

5 months. The amount of time God has allowed us to experience a love comparable to nothing i've experienced before.

6 weeks. The amount of time it took us to tell anyone that we “WERE”… or rather.... we “ARE”

7 days. The amount of time God separated us to prepare us for what He’s about to do through us.

I think those seven days were the biggest 7 days of my life. It changed my life. My thought pattern was more different during that week than it has EVER been. My whole being was reconstructed. My entire life was on pause while God operated on me.
7 is the number of completion and perfection. I guess that’s why God planned it that way. We went through a major surgery. A MAJOR surgery. I can’t explain what God did during those 7 days of separation right now….but I know that the level we’re on now…spiritually and relationship-wise…is much higher than it was even a few weeks ago. The impartation and permeation of God’s Holy Spirit in us individually, coupled with His divine manifestation through us as a two flesh becoming one has left us tangled up in a love triangle that none of us wants to get out of. Our love for each other is seen through our love for God. It’s because of our love for God and His love for us that we even exist. The very essence that is us….our passion, our fervor for each other, our magnetism…our unmistakable attraction… is so wrapped up with God’s pull and call on our lives that sometimes it’s hard to recognize which is which or whether there’s even a distinct difference at all….

Well… I know I’m probably not making sense. I just needed to get that out. Anyways…I got some work to do…so I’ll be around later.

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Look at me being all intentional and stuff! lol I WILLED myself to remember and write in this blog before the year was out.  So proud that t...