Sunday, March 13, 2005

Fill all of me with you...

Have you ever had a meal that was sooooo good that though you were about to literally POP, but you just couldn't stop eating it? That's how I feel right about now. I am so full. I mean...unzip your pants, can't get up from your seat, stomach at it's largest capacity FULL. Since Wednesday night, I've been partaking in a spiritual feast. My ever present desire for meat and bread was fulfilled and that insatiable thirst i've had has been quenched. I have truly experienced the presence of God this week like never before. He has filled me up with sooo much of His goodness and His Spirit, I felt like I was gonna burst open. He has given me a real taste of what it means to have your "cup running over".

All weekend I haven't been able to talk about nothing but God. I mean, He's on my mind when I wake up and when I go to sleep. When I got to church and when I leave church. When I'm at work, in the car, in didn't matter. I couldn't stop talking about, talking to, and praising God. I mean, I've been on a Spiritual high! Forget cloud 9...i was on some...out-of-the-galaxy-type high. I've been so excited that nothing even phased me. By boss was acting crazy, my mind stayed on God, my money was lookin funny...but my mind still stayed on God. It was like... I couldn't even go to sleep at night because I was to busy talking to God. *lol* Like...I couldn't talk to Him when I got up or something. lol. I KNOW you can tell how SUPER CRUNK I am about this whole situation. I mean really, when was the last time you seen me post something on a Sunday? *insert jeopardy music* That's right...never! And honestly, I never thought I would. I am soooo ANTI-computers on the weekend. lol. But that's how much this thing is burning in my spirit. I had to pour out some of this goodness. I had to tell it. I had to get it out. Even though I know half ya'll could care less..and probably won't even understand what I'm talking about...I STILL had to get it out. I just couldn't keep it inside anymore.

I went to New Birth's "Single, but not Alone" conference this weekend. When I tell you that the anointing was there when I hit the parking lot, you better believe me. Oh my God! I wasn't even prepared for the blessings and deliverance I received from going. I wasn't too thrilled about going by myself because I wanted someone else to experience it with me. But I'm so glad I went alone. All my friends are married, engaged, or in long-term, committed relationships, so honestly none of them were really interested in going. Then there's my cousin, who's b-day fell on the thursday that the conference started and I really wanted her to go because I know she needed to be there just as much as I did. BUT...i didn't have enough money to register her too...and her situation is just...umph... i can't even go there... so anyways... I went alone.
I was kinda sad at first because I really wanted her to go. I was hoping that she could get what she needed from the conference...but I now understand why God wanted me to go alone. I would have been so worried about whether she's getting what she needed that I wouldn't have gotten what I needed. And God also revealed to me last night when I was sharing with her what I've learned, that my money would have been wasted because she's not ready to be delivered yet. All that good word and teaching would have fell on deaf ears with her. And in my attempt to get HER some help that she didn't want, I would have missed the desired help I NEEDED. Plus, I worship better when there are no distractions. I love my cousin to death, but everyone isn't on the same level...and i KNOW if she came, she'd be whispering something in my ear about what somebody got on...or how long is the the preacher gonna be up... or how cute this one is or that one is...and I would have been to distracted to even enjoy and receive what God was saying to me. That first night set the atmosphere for what I deem the greatest spiritual weekend of my life thusfar. And I wouldn't have traded that for anything!

Ya'll, I really want to talk about it all, but i'm still letting the Word permeate in my mind and heart. KJD started a separate journal a few months back about his walk with Christ. I thought it was a good idea then...and now, i'm finally catching the vision to do it myself. There's so much I feel compelled to share. So... I think I'm gonna create my 4th blog strictly dealing with my Spiritual Growth. (lol...ya'll didn't even know I had 3 already did ya?)

Alright...well, I gotta go. I've been going non-stop since last monday, so I'm heading to bed. Ya'll be blessed. Gone.

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Look at me being all intentional and stuff! lol I WILLED myself to remember and write in this blog before the year was out.  So proud that t...