Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Surprise Surprise...

I had high hopes of starting the new year off right. I made sure I got back on track spiritually. Somewhere in these last few months I had veered off the path slightly. It’s scary how you can do that and not realize it until you look around and find that you have wondered off from God. I feel like I’m 3 or 4 years old again in the mall with my mom and just excited to be walking around and my mom warns me not to get lost and to stay by her side…but like a curious little kid I go wandering under clothes racks or over to the Barbie doll section and before I know it, I look up and can’t find her. That’s how I felt towards the end of December. I knew that God was still here beside me, guiding me…but somehow… I started doing my own thang and when I looked up, I didn’t see him right away and realized that I had ventured off. So I’m thankful for Him getting me back on track. I also made sure that I was physically well. I’ve gotten all my “womanly” tests done with clear results and I’ve been hitting the gym and eating better so that I can become healthier. My finances are going pretty well. Got a nice little merit increase and I paid off 3 of my largest bills last year. I really thought I was starting it off right…

Yesterday 5:05pm

*celly rings*

I look down and see RP’s number on my phone. I know I’ve never discussed my college years or my ex-fiance with you all…so I guess I’ll have to give you some background on RP later.

“Hello.” I scratchily answer between sniffles. Unfortunately all the vitamin C I’ve been taking didn’t defend me from this cold I’m developing.

This is the second time he’s called today. He’s been calling a lot lately since his wife has been out of the house. Unfortunately because of our tumultuous past, He’s not allowed to call me anymore. It’s pretty safe to say that his wife hates me. He as well as our mutual friends have told me on numerous occasions that she doesn’t even allow the mention of my name in her presence. There was one time where he slipped and called her by my name and received from her what friends have described to me as the fastest, hardest “B*tch slap” they’ve ever seen. So imagine my surprise when I heard her curious, but slightly annoyed voice on the other end.

“Uh… Hi. This is ‘Tika. Who…uh.. who is this?”

I was just getting off the elevator at work and heading to my car. The day had been wonderful. I was feeling great, looking great. Life was...great. Then SHE called. I didn’t realize that I stopped dead in my tracks upon hearing her voice until the people behind me kinda mumbled and gave me the eye as they walked around me and on to their cars. My world slightly shook. The history and overlap of me and Tika could take a week to explain in itself. We’ve had sort of a triangle thing going on since 2001 with RP and it never seems to end. ‘Tika and I haven’t spoken since 2002 when I found out that my then fiancĂ© RP, was also sleeping with her. That day in May when she and I spoke, I told her that I was through with him. She vowed the same, yet a year later they were married and I am somehow became her arch nemesis. Everytime I hear her voice…floods of memories come back from the 4 years he and I were together…and all the drama that went on between Him, Me…and She.

“This is Sway, ‘Tika. How are you?” I say kinda dryly as I began walking to my car and wondering why after 2 almost 3 years she is calling me. WHAT NOW??

“I’m okay, considering.” She retorted back. “I see that RP called you earlier today huh?”

Thinking to myself…honey, RP calls me twice a week minimum since 2002. Though he’s a lying, cheating, deceitful boyfriend and husband, he’s a very good friend.

As weird as it may sound, he and I remained good friends even after all the drama that unfolded between us in our relationship. Our friendship is one that can’t really be explained. Weird in nature…but it works for us.

“Uh…I guess he did. Not sure. I’m just leaving work”. I said non-chalantly as I opened my car door and threw my laptop bag in the backseat.

“Oh. Well…thanks.” She said…as I sensed her anger building up.

I said uh-huh…and clicked the end button on my cell. As I sat in the car I realized that my hands were shaking. I hate drama. I knew she’d call back for more info. I knew she was gonna fly off the handle at him for contacting me. She and I both knew that I was his kryptonite…his weakness. Though he cheated on me with her… we all know that if I wanted him back, I could have had him. He can’t seem to let me go even though he knows that it’s jeopardizing his marriage. And honestly, I don’t want him to jeopardize it because I know that I won’t be there like he thinks. I know they think that if they don’t work out… he’ll come crawling to me… (which he would)…and I’ll take him in (which I wouldn’t). So I’ve always been a sticky subject in their household. Nevertheless…I don’t wanna see him hurt like that. I don’t want him…so his best bet is to stick it out with her.

Feeling kinda bad… I began driving to the gym. When I got to the light, I figured that I should call him and warn him. I hate for him to be “set up” when there was honestly NOTHING going on between us.

Hey puntin” he happily says as he answers his cell.

“Hey, can you talk?” I ask with concern in my voice. I should have known that he could talk since he used his favorite nickname for me. When he said that he had a minute…I began to tell him the encounter I had with his wife.

“oh… dang…well thanks for letting me know. *sigh* She’s gonna be pissed.” He said calmly.

I knew he was stressing though. I know almost everything there is to know about him. I could feel him working up some kind of lie to reassure her that he only called me today for a specific reason. He couldn’t have her knowing that he’s never stopped calling me…despite that being one of her requirements for their getting married. He had too much at stake.

“Whatcha got RP? What’s your story” I sarcastically say. I wanted to know in case she calls and asks me. She was just like that. She’ll blow small things out of proportion because she's very insecure when it comes to me. And i don't blame her. Not to sound concieted or anything, but if i were her, I'd be scared of me too. Why? Because in a sense, I have the power. I hold the key to thier future...and though I'm not evil and vindictive like that...I could very easily meddle in their marriage and cause some stuff to go down. But I wouldn't do that. I'm so over and above that. Yet, I understand her logic...which is why i don't stress to much about her ridiculous rules when it comes to me.

“Well…I’ll tell her that you called me a few days ago to see if I wanted my stuff out of your garage since you were doing some cleaning and had planned to throw it all away.”
He effortlessly lied.

“Hmm…think she’ll buy it?” I say. Thinking that it sounded like crap.

“yeah…I’ll doctor it up. I’m a good 5 minutes from home. I got time to think.”

RP really IS a very good lier. He could make up something in the blink of an eye. It’s just kinda crazy to me that he HAS to lie…since there’s nothing going on.
We hung up and I walked into the gym to get my step aerobics on…all the while thinking about which one of them was gonna call me back later on…and what’s gonna become of it.

More details later…

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Look at me being all intentional and stuff! lol I WILLED myself to remember and write in this blog before the year was out.  So proud that t...