Friday, October 10, 2008

A best friend

I wish I had a best friend.
Someone with whom I could share my most private thoughts without being judged, or given advise.
A human version of this blog.
A soundboard that I can just throw ideas off of without seeing a scrunched face or a raised eyebrow.
My friends are wonderful people. They really are. But i've noticed when I'm having a difficult moment in life, they are not who I turn to. I don't feel comfortable sharing EVERYTHING with them. Especially right when i'm in the middle of whatever i'm in the middle of.

Today that makes me sad.

I'm not sure why I don't trust them with my secrets. They've never given me a reason to think that they can't handle what I tell them. And Lord knows they drop their bombs on me all the time. So why can't I reciprocate?


Anonymous said...

Girl... I had the same prayer until I found someone I was that comfortable with. Then I realized why I didn't have a best friend all this time. I just couldn't handle it! LOL.

It was very overwhelming for me. What can I say? LOL

wanda1234 said...

thanks for sharing...

Entertainment at one stop


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