Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Love is a wonderful thang!

I’m in love. *swooning*

Today I woke up and the birds were chirping louder than usual. My commute was shorter, the sun was brighter, my work was lighter.

*happy sigh*

It must be because I’m in looooove!

I’m not afraid to say it! I’ll shout it from the mountain tops.


Okay you’ve known that for how long, 3-4 years? lol

I wrote about my excitement for this man a while back. (HERE)

And now, my dreams have come true. He’s finally here! In Atlanta!! As a Hawk!!

As a Hawk???


Now I know you’re supposed to have love for all your home teams, but the Hawks? Wow.

Every game I’ve ever been to they’ve lost (and I’ve been to a lot).

My boy Bibby was doing his thang in Sacramento for a good minute. I just hope he isn’t brought down by our team. Hopefully he can step our game up some. I definitely will be going to see him...err...the Hawks games now. He needs me. He just doesn't know it yet. Anyways. Just thought I’d share my happiness with the world.

Mike Bibby’s here folks! It goes down!

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Look at me being all intentional and stuff! lol I WILLED myself to remember and write in this blog before the year was out.  So proud that t...