Wednesday, July 14, 2004

It's all about perspective...

There's alot of weird things happening in the office.

*The director of our program just got fired after starting this center up 15 years ago.... unfortunately his wife just died about 2 months ago and the only thing keeping him going WAS his work. He dedicated it all to her.

Noone really knows why he's being dismissed. He can't even step foot in the building... and there's a legal Gag Order on the whole thing... so no one's even allowed to tell us what's going on.

* My co-worker just announced that she's pregnant friday. Monday her car broke down... so she stayed at home. Yesterday, while getting a ride from someone... something crazy happened (we still don't know) and they had a mild accident. She's afraid that she's lost the baby.

*Another co-worker just called saying that she was in an accident and is at the Hospital as we speak. She's okay... but she doesn't know how long she'll be there before they release her.

*Another co-worker just rushed in about an hour ago late as all getout asking if my pregnant coworker was in the office today. I told her what happened since she didn't hear the news yesterday. She bursted into tears..saying that this is too much. She had just came back from dropping her mother off with other family members at the hospital for her surgery. She said she couldn't stay with her mom b/c she's used so many of her PTO days. But once she found out that hardly no one's in the office today anyways.. she decided to risk getting caught playing hookey.. and bolted outta here to rush to her mother's side.

* And then there's me.... just looking at all the crazy things around me... and thanking God that my life is not so bad after all.

I just found out that she indeed had a miscarriage... and my"former" boss has severe laryngitis and is in the hospital. My co-worker who had an accident this morning is still in the ER b/c she has neck pains and their running a few test on her. Life takes weird turns. No one said it was easy, but someone could have warned me.

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Look at me being all intentional and stuff! lol I WILLED myself to remember and write in this blog before the year was out.  So proud that t...