Problem is…I don’t play the lottery…so I have a pretty slim chance of that ever happening.
I swear it is ALWAYS something isn’t it? Does life ever have a “smooth sailing” year for me? Don’t get me wrong… it’s not at disaster level…but it’s close enough for comfort.
Usher crashed his car about a month ago. I can’t remember if I mentioned it on here or not…but yeah. He hydroplaned while going down a long curvy windy street and crashed the car on the side of the curb in some trees/shrubs. He never got it fixed. According to him, the car damage would cost more to fix than the car is actually worth…so he’s been car-less for the last month or so. It’s been fine with him although it bugged the heck out of me. He works close to home and his co-workers seem to have no problem dropping him to and fro.
Well… last week, he finally saved enough to buy another car. I was thrilled. He was too really. He came Friday to my house to pick me up. Every since I got a ticket IN September for expired tags even though my tags said September… I’ve been laying low. I tried to explain to the cop that I’ve been trying to get my tags but my stupid car won’t pass emissions.
How your car gonna be a ’02 and NOT be able to pass. That ish is still new! grrrr!
*end sidenote*
Anyway…I’ve been spending ALL my money fixing every little code they said was causing my “check engine light” to come on. And still…. The light just won’t go off! I had the same problem last year…but it finally passed. This year…it’s a no go. The last thing the dealer told me is that I need a new transmission and maybe then it’ll pass. MAYBE????
If I’m going to pay a GRAND to get my transmission fixed with no guarantee that I’ll pass… then I’m gonna pass.
There’s no way I was gonna dish that out and my junk still doesn’t pass emissions. I’m not that fond of the car anyways… so I’ve officially quit the car. We’re getting a divorce. And I’m actually turning the car back in to the dealership tomorrow. (long story..don’t feel like telling) So I’ll be carless for about two weeks until I get paid again. Then I can go get the kind of car I want. That’ll be a relief. But these next 2 weeks with out a whip is NOT the business. I am sooooooo sad about that. I didn’t play this thing right…which really sucks. So I’m saving every penny I have and was happy to have my baby come rescue me from my car woes this weekend.
Saturday was fun. We went to the park and then had a “family day”. I took him to meet my aunts and cousins and etc.
He fit right in there. That’s a good thing…but a bad thing since they recruited him to play his favorite game (Madden ‘07) and made us late to our next engagement.
He finally met my sweetie pies. My cousin’s kids. I go see them at least twice a week.
As soon as he saw Zion, the 3 month old, he melted. “Sway, this is how Usher Jr. is gonna look! I can’t wait”
*record scratch…errr*
Uh…negro… you CAN wait. And you will! I had to let him know that while I really want a little one… please know that I need ‘bout a year or two to get my pockets at least halfway straight. And um….there needs to be a ring on this here finger of mine patnuh!
Anyways he and Zion hit it off really well…

Ain’t they cute?

So things were going well right?
We left there and headed to his cousin’s baby shower. It was more like a family reunion than anything. We get there 10 minutes late mind you…and there were 3 people there…none of which was the mommy-to-be, her husband, or her parents. So we’re chillin. People are pouring in and all of the “Hey’s” and “Boy you done got big’s” began to fill the room. Usher’s introducing me to his cousins, and aunts and even his grandmother who lives in Augusta. Everyone is feeling me and telling him how cute I am. He beams. We’re happy. All is well. Except for my car…but hey…at least I can get another one. *shrug*
Monday rolls around and Usher gets a tooth ache. It’s so bad that he calls me while I’m looking at used cars on my lunch break to tell me that he’s going to the dentist to figure out how to make the pain stop. About 30 minutes later he calls to tell me that his insurance doesn’t pay but so much for the procedure he needs..and that his out of pocket expense is more than he has right now. Unfortunately I can’t help him although I have it, because if I gave it to him, I know he wouldn’t be able to pay me back in time for me to get my car next week. So I’m like… call your job and ask for an advance. *sigh* He calls in and finds out that the boss needs him to come to the office first thing in the morning (which is this morning) *more sighs* Very bad news. No one goes to the office and comes out happy.
Well not only did he NOT get the advance…but he gets fired.
I thought it was because of the fight that happened 2 weeks ago. ( I did mention the fight right?)
Thursday Sept. 28th
Cell rings
Me: Hey baby
Usher: Hey honey…what u doin
Me: At the lil office trying to pay the taxes on my tag since my stupid car won’t pass emissions
Usher: *calmly* Oh… well can um… you come and get me. I just punched my supervisor in the face.
Me: What?!? Huh? For real? *stopping dead in my tracks*
Usher: *still calm* Yeah. I’ll tell you about it later. You coming?
Me: uh…yeah. Lemme call you back. They just called my number.
So I get on the road and I’m on my way to him. When he calls again.
Usher: Where u at?
Me: On 400. I’m about 3 exits away…but there’s SOOOO much traffic. I think there’s an accident on Holcomb Bridge or something. I’ll be there..
Usher: aight…well just call me. I’m gonna be standing on the corner. I had to leave the bldg. because my supervisor came at me with a mallet and swung on me twice. I blocked him the first time..but he called me a B*itch N*gger and I lost it. I picked his ass up and slammed him on his head. He’s unconscious. They called the ambulance…and the cops are coming…so my co-workers told me to go.
Me: *not believing what I’m hearing* Whaaaaaaaaaat??? *feeling so confused*
So I’m riding in my car with the gas face like…why the hell would you fight your supervisor? Like…for real fight. Is it that serious where ya’ll had to come to blows?
Usher hasn’t changed at all. He can be the sweetest guy…but it doesn’t change the fact that he is a complete hot head.
He got lucky though. They fired the supervisior because everyone’s account stated that the supervisor provoked Usher. Everything was squashed and Usher was back to work.
So…they didn’t fire his behind for the fight... But two weeks later…they are letting him go? Oooookay. So he’s out of a job. I’m out of a car. He has a tooth ache…and no money. I have money and need it. Tough spot.
Let’s see how this one pans out. *sigh*