Monday, November 14, 2005

Must be bad...

It can’t be a good thing when your boss does not talk to you…and it is evident to other co-workers that she deliberately leave you out of conversations and never tell you what’s going on with work.

I mean it’s crazy. For some reason my “boss” and I do not have any words for each other. I don’t know what happened…how it started…why it started but it seems like something just changed and there’s so much tension between us. This is the same lady who PULLED strings to get me hired. I didn’t know her, but something about me she liked so much that she went to HER boss on my behalf to hire me. Well it shole ain’t like that now. Homegirl will call my co-worker, who arrives 30-45 minutes AFTER me everyday and leave her a voicemail saying that she’s out, or is having a doctor’s appointment, rather than to just call me. She leaves and tells her where she’s going…but u think homegirl even looks my way to let me know what’s up. I’m answering her line like… “uh…I think she’s here…hold on…" *running to boss’s desk and seeing she’s gone, then running to co-workers desk to find out that boss done left for the day*
My co-worker like… “she’din ( read:didn’t) tell you? Umph. That’s crazy.”

It’s all good though. She can invite the entire office except me out on her lil long lunch breaks… and she can pretend I’m not here ALL day long. As long as on Fridays…I get my check… I’m cool. Enjoy ya’ll cheese sammiches. I’m good.

It’s bad when the highlight of your workday is going to the Seinfeld site and reading all of the episode guide summaries of each show.

I’m serious. That’s all I did for the ENTIRE DAY… except for the few minutes my coworker and I went down to the conference room to get cookies from the Staples fair we had. Yeah, my office is weird. We had reps from Staples come and show us their products and yada yada yada (told ya'll i was all into the seinfeld You should have seen how happy a sista was when she came back from her staff meeting to find a new stapler sitting in her chair. She was HAPPY!! I’m all frolicking around the department showing off my new stapler. I have hit an all time LOW. You know u must be bored and have NO LIFE when you are excited about winning a stapler. *smh*

It’s bad when you’re so sleepy you resort to reading /focusing hard on a milk carton just to keep awake.

Ummm, guys... I never knew that milk needed to be shaken well. I figured it was like water…you just pour and voila! Yet it says right on the carton….shake well. *smh* all these years I’ve been doing it wrong. *blink, blink*

It must be bad to be known on a first name basis at a fast food joint.

Erry time I go to chickfila, my peoples be like… “hey Sway”! lol
I guess I gotta admit, I’m addicted to Chick fila’s chicken salad sandwiches.
In fact, I’m eating one now. And that’s crazy..cuz I actually started this post about a month ago. lol. And everytime I add something to my list, I’m eating a doggone Chickfila chicken salad sammich. And of course I’m real amped about it cuz didn’t even know they had it until a few months ago. My girl ordered a tray of it for our little lazy Saturday “girls day in”. It was cut up into lil triangles. I was all frowning up at it as I put it on my fruit plate…but one bite… (really that’s all it was…a bite and a half) and I was hooked. I know I had to eat about 30 of them thangs. Every since then… it’s been no stopping me. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. And you KNOW it’s bad when I can tell WHICH chickfila you bought my sammich from cuz they all taste different. lol I be all mad when my co-worker go to the Chickfila north of the BP on N. Druid Hills instead of the one by N. Dekalb Mall. Haha. It’s crazy.

Totally random but, I think I'm addicted to addictions.
I mean, I easily attach to things and make it my addiction until I literally make myself sick of it. I'll play a song over and over and over again for an entire month, then never wanna hear it again. EVER. I guess that's why i've never smoked. I was afraid i'd be hooked...and i really hate the smell of smoke, the darkening effect it has on your lips, and the fact that i'd actually stand out in 2 degree weather just to do it. It's.not.cute.
Anywho... here's a small list of my past/present addictions.

~ Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
~ Grape Juicy Juice
~ Carmax
~ Teedra Moss, Dwele, and Syleena J CDs
~ Blogging
~ Vitamins. (okay i'll talk about this next time. you gonna think i'm weird)
~ Smelling new shower curtains and leather
~ Bigelow's Vanilla Caramel Tea
~ Oil of Olay

and lately i've been thinking about becoming addicted to Orange Listerine. It's still in the making though. lol

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Look at me being all intentional and stuff! lol I WILLED myself to remember and write in this blog before the year was out.  So proud that t...